

A Complete Nutrition Product for Women
Fit4Her for women serious about their health.

Fit4Her was developed specifically for women after months of research to identify key areas of nutrition that are lacking for many women in the United States. Fit4Her was developed not only to meet those needs but also to provide a complete blend of vitamins and minerals, protein, fiber and carbohydrates. We also include Transfer Factor with Probiotics, a patented formula that helps to maintain the immune and digestive systems at a healthy level. Fit4Her is currently the only supplement product in the world that contains Transfer factor with Probiotics.

Fit(4)HerLabelGreenLife Labs provides the individual with ingredients meant for the body, not man-made substitutes the body can’t use. We focus on health and performance nutrition, building the body from the inside out.

  • Transfer Factor for the Immune system
  • 2 Pro Biotech’s for Digestibility and Yeast infection
  • The Vitamin Mineral blend
  • Multiple sources of protein / 16 grams per serving
  • Omega 3, Fiber, Gluten Free
  • Chia Seeds

Cost: $54.95

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